
2022年5月14日 星期六

AVC奇鋐科技-馬達工程師畢業心得文|Asia Vital Components, Motor Engineer


Last Friday(2022/02/25) was my last day at AVC, really appreciate participating in the process of AVC's stock price rising from 40 to 110.

It was not an easy decision, especially you know there may be no other motor team was able to complete these amazing projects with few resources.

This is crazy to think back on now, but I remember how to build the first motor sample from nothing. with the increase of resources and equipment, we can design and build almost all types of motors.

I would like to thank my two managers, Royal Chang and Dave Yu, who are so passionate about their work and experienced, really helped me pick up knowledge of motor, and also taught me how to properly cooperate with people in different fields to achieve our goals.

I also want to thank my colleagues Wayne Ding, Enzo Liu, Ryan Lin, and Derrick Lin, who gave me many valuable opinions when I was executing projects and communicating with other departments.

I have accumulated a lot of experience in decision making and minimum viable product verification at AVC, at the same time, we also completed creative products, and try mass-produce them.

Most importantly, I was fortunate to get the opportunity to business travel to China last September. It was an invaluable opportunity for me to learn that the products are produced through the cooperation of many departments in the group factory in Shenzhen.

I will remember the journey in AVC and also look forward to my next journey.

I want to once again express my gratitude to my AVC colleagues for helping me along in my career journey. Thanks.





我想感謝兩位主管 Royal Chang、Dave Yu,他們永遠是如此熱愛工作,且經驗豐富的教導我快速掌握馬達領域知識,還教導我如何在職涯前期如何正確地與不同領域的人合作,以實現專案目標。

還要感謝我的同事 Wayne Ding、Enzo Liu、Ryan Lin、Derrick Lin,憑藉他們的深厚的專業知識及見解,在我執行專案階段性目標以及跨部門溝通時,給予許多寶貴意見。





